Tuesday 29 April 2014

Education Shaping Lives

If quality of Education is improved along with the number of teachers and that too committed teachers than the aspiring rural children can fulfill their dreams of doing something great. 

We are living in 21st century, where at every step technology is getting advanced. But in the same century there are chunk of people who don’t even know how to write. Education is a basic necessity. It prepares, widens and allows exposure to the entire world through the mind. A sound education implies better quality of thoughts, which results in superlative quality of life. It is a portal for betterment. The Government of India has made “Right to Education” a basis fundamental right. Despite this right there are many such deprived people who are not able to get even primary education.

We found high quality of education is provided in urban or metro cities to people. But at the same time when we look at the rural areas or remote areas, they are being neglected. Majority of population of India still lives in villages, so the topic of rural education in India is utmost important. According to a survey report Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), the number of rural student attending school is rising, but more than half of fifth grade students are unable to read a second grade text book. Not only this the level of reading and maths is further declining. When ask about the failure in education in rural India to Prof.(Dr.) Abhay Kumar, Head of Institute of Business Management, Mangalayatan University , he says “The reasons why we have failed to educate rural India is not far to seek. According to me main reasons are Lack of proper transportation, per capita Income of rural areas is low, lack of proper infrastructure, upbringing of children in rural areas in comparison to urban areas, lack of teachers in school, lack of gainful employment opportunities, lack of proper mentorship, lack of basic computer education, lack of promotion of entrepreneurship”

In rural school quality and access to education is major concern as there is lack of text book and learning material, fewer committed teachers in schools. Though the government schools exits in the areas but when compare with private schools, quality is the major issue. In today’s scenario people living in the villages have understood the importance of education and know that it is the only way to get rid of the poverty. But due to lack of money they are depended upon the government schools for education and are not able to send their children in private schools.
Most of the textbook are in English today and the rural people either speak their native language or the Hindi. So difficulty in understanding their text book, their poverty and lack of facilities are the hurdle in their education. And at the same time course which is being taught to these students are outdate. They use traditional methods to teach the students. When ask about solutions to these challenges to Dr. D.V. Rai, Vice Chancellor of Shobhit University, Gangoh, Says “According to me solutions can be connect teachers directly with students through a digital marketplace, a virtual curriculum based on my needs as a student, University learning is linear, one size fits all, Self-directed learning”

To lay a strong foundation to turn India into strong nation one should has strong roots at primary and rural levels. A genuine rural students should be encouraged who are interested in education and then competent. There are lot of example of success in rural education like the Barefoot College, 8 Day Academy and Gurukul School in Bihar.
Let us try to build a solution around these problems which will resolve the overall issues of rural Education in India.